Lateral Anvilets provide a strong, readily attached 45° lateral outlet connection.
Anvil Anvilets provide a strong branch pipe connection,
considerably stronger than a welded pipe-to-pipe connection.
Consequently, with good welding procedures, Anvil Anvilets offer
greater resistance to distortion and bursting.
Anvil Anvilets readily and economically permit the adding of branch
connectors to existing piping installations, eliminating the relatively
higher cost of cutting or disassembly and re-assembly required for
the installation of tees.
Anvil Anvilets of the same outlet size as a header or run pipe size
(i.e. "Full Size" Anvilets) are so proportioned that the (elliptically
shaped) hole in the header pipe has the minimum weakening or
distortion effect, and yet provides good fluid flow characteristics.
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